Looking back at 2024 has been a bit eye opening for me, because some of the things that happened in 2024 I thought happened like 3 or 4 years ago. Thank goodness I have my Flickr photos, my Google calendar, and my bullet journal to remind me what the heck happened this year! January January […] →Read more
Apparently my blog is only a plcae for me to post yearly goals, and then two quarterly check ins on those yearly goals, and then I write half a third quarter check in that I never finish, and then somehow December is over. So here’s how I did on my goals (spoiler alert: I failed […] →Read more
After forgetting to post the first quarter check-in that I wrote at the end of March until yesterday, let’s hope I actually remember to publish this one! The two things that I did make were: I’m only at 5/24 (21%) done this goal and we are 50% of the way through the year. But I’m […] →Read more
As I set out to start writing my Q2 check in for 2024, I noticed that my Q1 check in wasn’t on my blog, but I was sure that I’d written one. So I checked my drafts and I had, in fact, written one, but hadn’t hit “publish”. So I’m pushing it now, a full […] →Read more
Hey, remember that time that I went to San Francisco for Kalev’s 40th birthday? Turns out that was a DECADE ago, so it was time for another milestone birthday group trip and this time it was New York City. The Big Apple. The City That Never Sleeps ((Given this trend, Kalev is going to have […] →Read more
Much like when Crick died and Watson seemed lonely, so we got Raven as a buddy for him, after Watson died, Raven seemed lonely. So we decided to get her a buddy. We didn’t want to rush it, but decided to casually look at rescue cats online and wait until one of them jumped out […] →Read more
When I was little and my extended family got together, my dad would make a kid pile. He’d toss me and my sister and all my cousins in a pile and then we’d try to get out of the kid pile and then he’d toss us back onto the kid pile. It was a simple […] →Read more
SNOW, Watson – Unexpectedly on Saturday, January 13, 2024 at the age of 12 due to congestive heart failure. Survived by his humans and his sister Ravenclaw and predeceased by his sister Crick. Watson and his sister Crick came to live with their human just 5 days shy of 10 years before his death, and brought […] →Read more
Posting this a bit later than usual. I did have my list ready on New Year’s Day, but then wanted to post my goals for 2023 review and my year-in-review and then got distracted. →Read more
Another year with very little blogging means that I’m relying mostly on photos to even remember what I did this year! It was a fairly uneventful year, but with a few big highlights. My New Hobbies The number one highlight of the year for me was learning how to do stand-up comedy. I took a […] →Read more