Canuck Hotness

Thanks to the fine women at The Pink Seats, I have found a new Canuck hottie whose babies I might like to carry. I have been remiss in noticing the hotness of one Marc Chouinard, the 6’5″ centre.

See what I mean? Hottie! Plus, he’s the only Canuck who has been confirmed as being single (I think Taylor‘s relationship status is listed as “?” because the word on the street is that he’s in love with me).

Taylor and Marc, if you are googling your names and come across my blog, I have one word for you. It starts with a “t” and ends with a “hreesome”. Call me.

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  • Beth – he is a hottie!!

    (And in reference to the ‘t’ ending in ‘hreesome’ – I had one recently, and it was INCREDIBLE. Wow. I’m having fun just thinking about it. Plus – then maybe you could have twins – one baby belonging to each man! If that isn’t multitasking fandom, I don’t know what is.)

    Go you!


  • I like the way you think, Courtney! Twins, one from Taylor and one from Marc. And then my babies could play in the NHL like the Sedin twins, but they would be hot!


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