These Are The Daves I Know, I Know

The other day I happened across this site: Dave Wear*.

And it got me thinking about how I’d been meaning to write a posting about all the Daves I Know, I Know.

Of course, I have to start with none other then Dave, of Touch You Last fame**. I went to high school with Dave, although I can’t say that we really knew each other very well back then. He’s married to one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world, so I know him much better now. As I’ve said before, Dave introduced me to the world of blogging, so anyone who likes my blog has Dave to thank.

Dave B. He was my first… um, something that I shouldn’t be putting on the record, seeing as it’s illegal in most places***. I met Dave B when I taught him how to teach PBL. He also plays on my ball hockey team.

Dave S-J. He’s also on my ball hockey team. Sometimes he and Dave B. play on the same line — the Double Dave line, as it were.

Dave K is a colleague of mine and he promised me a birthday drunk for my upcoming b-day. I thought it was a typo and he meant birthday “drink,” but no, he did, in fact, mean “drunk.” Dave is from Newfoundland.

Dave N is another colleague of mine, who also happened to teach a course I took. He runs this website and his email address is “db@…” where the “db” stands for “drinking buddy.” And that’s his work email.

Another Dave N – my little cousin, he lives in Montreal. Dave S. was a prof that I worked with on a number of projects; Dave H. is married to one of Sarah’s colleagues and I met him the last time Sarah was here, as he and his wife were here on a house hunting trip. And then there’s another Dave B. who once got really mad about a comment on my blog, so let’s not talk about him.

And, of course, there’s the Dave from whom I’m divorced****.

Hmmm…. it seems like I know more than just these Daves, but I can’t seem to think of any more. So, who are the Daves you know, you know?

*You’re welcome, Dave.

**Also known as Daav.

***No, it’s not what you are thinking. But good guess.

****effective as of today, actually. Please refrain from making comments on this Dave.

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  • I know lots of Daves, as well.

    Dave G. – the father of Braeden, my first long-term relationship, and still a good friend.

    Dave K. – one of the men on ‘the list’.

    Dave S. – in the Dates from Hell Hall of Fame, for the ‘returning a vacuum to Wal-Mart’ date.

    And I also know Dave, of Touch You Last fame. Well, I’ve spoken to him, but never met him in person, so I guess I’ve *netmet* him.

    All the rest of the Daves are just around, without much significance. (And I’m sure that comment will make them feel good.)


  • Back in the day, JWo and I would adapt the KitH song for the Daves we knew. This was when Jen was hot for Daav himself, so those lyrics were very complimentary. My favourite had something to do with Dave, her bus driver who looked like Pierre Trudeau.

    You have forgotten one other Dave — American vegan Dave. Though I should watch it…the last time we mentioned him on your blog it caused a HUGE stir.

    Did you ever meet my Dave partner in crime from university — Dave K-burg? He rocks (and heads up a charity now). When next we’re in Vancouver, you might end up meeting the other Dave and Sarah who I know from uni and who live there now…

    Also – congrats! Final = good (and about time!!)


  • Hey S – ya, I think I did meet Dave K-burg, briefly, one time in Guelph. And I didn’t forget Am vegan D… he was “And then there’s another Dave B. who once got really mad about a comment on my blog, so let’s not talk about him.”


  • “Dave introduced me to the world of blogging, so anyone who likes my blog has Dave to thank.”

    Well, I would like to thank me, then. Thanks, me. (Psst… that was a compliment to you.)

    Also, if Sarah doesn’t buy me the One Fine Dave shirt, I’m gonna cry and cry and cry.


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