Clean Off Your Desk Day… Not So Much
In defiance of Clean Off Your Desk Day, and because it for some unknown reason seemed to alleviate my anger at not being able to find a very important set of papers on my desk, I took these pictures of my office just for you, gentle blog reader:
I’d like to say that there is a system to this mess. You know, like ordered chaos. A method to my madness. Like it’s one of those messes where it looks like a mess from the outside by the creator of said mess knows exactly where everything is in this shitstorm. I’d like to say those things, but if I did, I’d be lying. Sometimes I have to call my cell phone in order to find it on my desk. Seriously.
[…] To Be Trusted With Knives {March 20, 2008} My Messy Desk: A New Low I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m messy. There’s a very good reason why one of my childhood nicknames was “Messy Bessy.” […]