After a bit of a hiatus, Touch You Last has brought you the next installment of “Inside the Blogger’s Studio,” wherein TYLer Dave interviews the peeps on his blogroll. He kicked off the series with an interview of ‘lil ole me and now his latest interview is with Jorge1 from Barking Space. I provide you with this link because, well, because I think it’s a funny interview. And because I’m insanely jealous that I didn’t get to do an audio interview2. I know I live on the other side of the country, but we could have done a double-ender3.

1Pronounced like “George,” not like “Hor-hey,” just FYI.
2And from the sounds of it, only Jorge is going to get the audio treatment.
2For the record, a “double-ended” is *not* what you think it is. Get your mind out of the gutter!

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