P.M. #4

The trailer for this week’s installment of “Who Wants to Learn About a Canadian Prime Minister” was brought to you courtesy of Sarah, who I told you was going to have much to say on this series once she returned from Down Under.


Name Sir John Sparrow David Thompson
Born: November 10, 1845 in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Died: December 12, 1894
Party: Conservative
Held Office: December 5, 1892 – December 12, 1894
Best known for: -being the first Catholic P.M.-being the Justice Minister when Louis Riel was hanged (although he was off sick with kidney stones when the execution happened, afterwards he gave a speech in support of it)

-dying at lunch with the Queen, right after she had sworn him into the Privy Council

Some Things I Didn’t Know About This P.M. -he converted to Catholicism about a year after marrying Annie Affleck (no relation to Ben… probably)

If you are just dying to read more about Sir J.S.D.T? Check out:

Image credit: From from the Library and Archives Canada, copyright is expired.

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  • Which half are you training for? Scotiabank training starts early April at Forerunners (I highly recommend both the race and the training). One dumbass ortho resident said I’d never run again, luckily my surgeon says I can start ramping up fun sports (like running as opposed to boring ones like swimming and biking) in a month so I’m not sure if I’m in for the half but I am in for some training…


  • I’m going for the Scotiabank… because you told me the run is a net downhill =) Plus, it’s cheaper, you get a better shirt and it’s later (June vs. May for Van International), giving me more time to train. I’m not sure about group training though – I’m not really a fan of running with groups (because I’m usually slower than everyone else)… although given how non-existent my training was for Victoria, maybe having a group to be responsible to would be a good idea!

    Glad to hear that you’ll be able to run again! If you are interested in doing a shorter race, the Pacific Spirit 10K is a beautiful run through Pacific Spirit Park… although maybe not the greatest on a bad knee, as it’s through a forest with lots of tree roots to trip over…


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