And speaking of grad school, when you are a grad student, you don’t really get vacation. Sure, you might not run experiments over Christmas holidays and you get to go to the occasional conference, but you are still working. Or, if you are goofing off, no one’s paying you to do so. But along with my big girl job comes such things as benefits, like vacation days. Here’s how I’m planning on spending some of those days off:
Well, I’m not actually taking vacay days for the August stuff (I don’t work Fridays, so I’m doing my lasers in my eyes on a Friday and am supposed to be fine to be back at work on the Monday. But it still looks to be quite an eventful summer!
What’s with the blue on Aug 31?
What did you use to make the calendar graphics? Outlook?
Yay Sarah visiting!
I used Photoshop.
Blue = Sarah’s in town… (she on an Alaskan cruise from the 23-30).
Sun Peaks sounds like a porn star.
I just realised Toronto is shit brown. 😛