Happy Canada Day

2008 has been a big year for me in Canadian travels – I visited my first territory! This leaves me with just 2 territories and 3 provinces left to visit to complete my quest to travel all over Canada:

Blue stars = provinces and territories to which I have been.
Red x = provinces and territories to which I have not yet been.

Since I seem to be in the habit of showing beautiful pictures of Canada for Canada Day, here’s this year’s: me at Joffre Lakes from last year’s camping trip.

Comments |2|

  • Wow lovely photo!
    How ambitious to travel all over Canada!
    I have been to every province but not Newfoundland nor the territories!
    You will LOVE Nova Scotia(at least I did!)
    Happy Canada day!


  • I have heard wonderful things about Nova Scotia and the rest of the Atlantic provinces. And my mom was born in N.S., so apparently I have lots of family there. I really need to find an excuse to get out there!


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