Nom Nom Nom at the Naam

Ah, the Naam. One of my fav restaurants in Vancouver, and one of the places that Sarah gets to at least once (and sometimes more) on every trip to Vancouver. This trip has had us eating at not only the Naam and the Eatery, but also Sophie’s Cosmic Cafe (great veggie burgers), Tsunami Sushi (not highly recommended), and Cactus Club (yay yam fries!). Nom nom nom. Also, we went to see Tropic Thunder, where Sarah used a variety of Famous Player gift cards and I used Scene points, so the grand total for both of us to watch the movie was $2.30. Our frugality rocks! TT was a pretty friggin’ funny movie – best part, in my humble opinion – (quasi-spoiler warning here): the movie trailer at the beginning with Robert Downey Jr & Tobey Mcguire.
So, yeah, Sarah and I have been having an awesome time just chillin’. Since Sarah has already done virtually every touristy thing in Vancouver on previous trips here, and since we hardly ever get to just hang out (given the 4000+ km between us), we’ve had a nice time just hanging out and catching up. Going for walks. Hanging out by the water. Having tea. Eating at various eateries. Endlessly riding the #7 bus.
Also, I had my one week post-op check-up to see how my eyes are doing since my laser eye surgery. My optometrist was very impressed with my eyes, saying things like “Wow, you must be a really good healer!” and “Your eyes look like most people’s look after a month, and it’s only been a week!” and “You are the poster child for laser eye surgery.” I do have an unattractive looking subconjunctival hemorrhage, which I noticed looked worse last night than it had the previous day, but my optometrist explained that it’s normal for subconjunctival hemmorrhages to look worse before they look better. Essentially, it’s like having a bruise, caused by blood vessels bursting due to the suction used during the surgery. But since your eye is clear, it’s bright red instead of being black & blue like a normal bruise. The reason it looks worse today is because gravity is pulled the subconjunctival blood down, where it sort of pools near the iris. It’s harmless and will go away over the next few days. But, because I’m me, I decided that you all would want to see a picture (quasi-grossness warning here).
My eye lashes are kind of clumped together due to the sticky lubricating drops I put in every two hours. I’m sure that it’s religiously sticking to my eye drop regimen, as well as wearing sunglasses at all times when I’m outside, that is helping me recover so fast. Well, that and the lab accident involving a radioactive rat that happened when I was in grad school, giving me superhuman healing powers.
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Tags: food, movies, my superhuman healing powers, people who are cool enough to visit me
Your eyes are still beautiful.
Hi Sarah! Hope you enjoyed your visit 🙂 Too bad I wasn’t in Vancouver, otherwise we would have gotten to hang out and do a lot of shenanigans with Dr. Beth 🙂