Knee Injury Update
Today on the bus, a guy tapped me on the shoulder1 and said, “You know what would clear that knee up? Turmeric. You know, the spice?” Um, ok. I actually thought my knee was healing quite nicely.

And really, what would help it clear up is refraining from picking at the scab2.
1I was listening to my iPod at the time, so he to do this to get my attention.
2Too much information?
Beth, the whole knee thing to begin with was massive TMI, so why stop now?
My suggestion:
Saint Meniscus Patella of Cartilage, Patron Saint of Knee Boo-Boos.
I thought I was being super duper hilarious and excessively clever by creating a patron saint of knees. But then I googled and found the following:
Notice under ‘Patronage’ – item 3. Also, the picture made me giggle.
@Dan – OMG! LOL LOL LOL LOL! I love that he’s the patron saint of both knee problems and diseased cattle. WTF?
Also, now you’ve got me reading a website about saints. Did you know that there is a patron saint against hangovers?