Yay! I get to mention David Emerson again!

With all the political news about the Democratic National Convention, then the announcement of Sarah Palin as the McCain’s pick for VP, followed closely by the RNC, I want to make sure that this little piece of political news doesn’t slip by unnoticed:

Foreign Affairs Minister Emerson set to retire: sources

That’s right.  David Emerson, who jumped ship from the Liberal Party pretty much immediately after the last election, abandoning the people who voted for him less than a month before, lured by the promise of a cabinet post by the Harper Conservatives.  You know how I feel about David Emerson.

Word is that, knowing Emerson could not win in his current riding of Vancouver-Kingsway where the voters have not forgotten his defection, the Conservatives were prepared to place Emerson in a “safer” riding. But Emerson, at least according to “sources,” is just going to retire.  I’ve heard both that he wants to spend more time with his family and that he doesn’t like all the travel between BC and Ottawa.

And that is my political news for today. As you were.

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