The Five Things Meme
After a crazy 9 hour workday where I had way too much actual thinking work to do and not nearly enough time in which to do it, which occurred after staying out until 2:30 a.m. at Shower Power at the Odyssey last night (which is always a good thing to do before a day when you have a tonne of things to get done right?), I came home to discover that Rebecca had tagged me with this meme. And I’m like “Score! Me no need think for blog tonight! Blog idea be hand-delivered!” Because apparently grammar goes right out the window when my brain is mush.
So. I’m now supposed to fill in the answers to the headings in this meme:
5 Things I was doing 10 years ago1:
- Completing the last year of my Honours Biochemistry degree, with a minor in Drama, at McMaster University.
- Rehearsing my role as Desdemona in a scene from Shakespeare’s Othello in the park with my friend Jen (she was playing Othello) (see “minor in Drama” above). And saying “We are practicing Shakespeare in the paaaaark.”
- Applying to med school and thinking about applying to grad school (see “Honours Biochemistry” major above).
- Driving my beloved little white 1989 Honda Civic.
- Watching WWF (the wrestling, not the Wildlife Fund) at Copps Coliseum. No, really.
5 Things on my to-do list today2:
- Attend a workshop at UBC.
- Participate in a WebEx meeting with a group of people with whom I am writing a paper.
- Phone meeting with one of my trainees.
- Work on my grant application.
- Cook myself a proper meal.
5 snacks I like:
- Dark chocolate (the darker, the better).
- Potato chips.
- Slices of apple with peanut butter. But not Kraft PB. The just-squished-up-peanuts kind of PB.
- Egg McMaster.
- Go to Hell Stephen Harper Apple Crisp.
5 Things I would do it I was3 were a millionaire4:
- Pay off my student loans.
- Put a down payment on a house in Vancouver.
- Travel somewhere outside of North America (which I’ve never done! Isn’t that pathetic?). Maybe Ireland? Somewhere in South America?
- Buy tickets to the 2010 Olympic hockey gold medal game.
- Invest. ‘cuz the stock market is always a sure bet, right? 😉
5 Places I’ve Lived in (for various lengths of time)5:
- My parents’ home in Milton, Ontario (18 years).
- Moulton Hall Residence at McMaster University. In the Penthouse. (8 months).
- Apartment6 on Main Street in Hamilton, Ontario (~2 years).
- Apartment in Burnaby, BC (when I first moved to BC, lived there for about 6 months).
- Point Grey area of Vancouver, BC (in one basement suite for ~5 years, and now in a different basement suite for the last 2+ years).
5 Jobs I have had:
- Sessional Faculty, University of British Columbia.
- Research Assistant, at both McMaster University & UBC.
- Factory worker, Brake Parts Inc. (I worked on a line with asbestos-filled brake pads that were being cooked in an insanely hot oven. Graveyard shift. That was a tough job!7)
- Telephone operator, Halton Answering Service. (That was a fun job!)
- Donut store employees8, Baker’s Dozen Donuts8. (Baking was fun. Servings customers, not so much.)
5 People I tag:
- Stacia – because she’s pregnant and due any time now, so I’m sure she has nothing better to do than this meme.
- Almost Dr. Jacks – because she always complains that it’s hard to come up with things to blog about. And it’s not like she has a dissertation to write, post doc apps to compose and job talks to give.
- Dave – because he doesn’t blog nearly enough and I miss his writing. And it’s not like he needs to fix up his blog template, which he managed to royally fack up.
- Jorge – because he also doesn’t blog enough and I miss his writing. And it’s not like he has an adorable little daughter that he’d rather spend his time with, like, rather than doing this meme.
- John McCain. What? He has a blog. I don’t read it, but I’m willing to bet he hasn’t done this meme yet.
1I have to admit, I had to look in my photo album to remember what the heck I was doing 10 years ago. Because I’m old and my memory, she’s not so good.
2These are 5 things that were on my to-do list, that I actually did, since I’m writing this at night.
3Yes, I really am that much of an uppity grammar snob. It’s a problem.
4I’m taking “millioniare” literally here. Meaning that I only have $1 million dollars. But I’m also assuming that that is after tax.
5Now I feel like I have to list the one other place I’ve lived, since I’ve only lived in 6 places and this list just feels so incomplete without it! Apartment on Ontario St. in Milton, Ontario (~2 years).
6Wow, I was just proof-reading this posting and I’d written “apparently” instead of “apartment.” That is, I wrote “Apparently on Main St. in Hamilton, ON.” Because I guess I couldn’t remember those two years?
7On the plus side, I got to work two weeks on day shift and the lunch truck that shows up on day shift rocked. And one time I got to spend my shift painting a picnic table with a hot boy.
8My friend Jody would affectionately refer to me as “the Donut Hut Slut.” Has a nice ring to it, eh?
LOL @ grammar snob. I noticed the error but thought I’d leave it to ensure the authenticity of the meme 😉
Hee hee. I figured that since a meme is like a gene, and evolution only happens when there are mutations, I’d create a mutation. By being a grammar snob.
thanks for the post idea dr. beth. also, i am somewhat jealous of your former donut hut slut title. the best i ever got called at my summer job was a wench and to be fair, i was dressed as a soldier’s wife from 1846. we didn’t have doughnuts though and i guess that’s why i will always be bitter.
[…] can find out how important i am to the blogosphere – has helped me out with a post idea – that is a five things meme. basically i have to thrill you by answering questions with five answers. so here goes […]
It is at times like this that I wish I had a blog. That is one fun meme!
If you want to do the meme, I will post it on here as a guest post!
[…] I have to tag six people, eh? Well, I’ll go with the same five people who I tagged for the Five Things Meme2, plus Tod (who is totally dying to be […]