Babies for Obama

In honour1 of today’s US Presidential election, I give you this: Babies for Obama:


I saw this over at Feministing, where I also read that in the U.S., if you bring in proof of voting, you can not only get free ice cream from Benny & Jerry’s, but you can also get a free silver bullet and sleeve1 at the New York and Seattle locations of Babeland sex toy store.

Given the pathetic voter turnout in our recent election, maybe Canada needs to look into this free-ice-cream-and-sex-toys-for-voters idea.

1Yes, I am spelling honour with a ‘u,’ even though I’m talking about the U.S. ‘cuz that’s the way we Canucks roll.
2I especially like that this particular model of sleeve is called “The Maverick”a
    aJust don’t picture John McCain using “The Maverick.”i
        iI *told* you *not* to picture it.

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  • I’m just glad to sense that your personal grumpy mood has passed. As soon as I get a proper night’s sleep, I plan to head out and make a push for my nation’s long-standing grumpy mood to pass. I’ve been voting almost entirely third party (yes, we have such a warped system that “third party” is the proper term for voting into the fringe) in federal races since casting my first ballot in 1992. Even though my home state of Illinois is securely in the Obama column already, I plan to add my vote to the tally. He has shown far more integrity than anyone else I’ve seen run at that level as a Democrat or Republican in my lifetime.

    If the universe is kind to my fellow Americans, tonight I will join my friends in tapping a keg as a celebration of pending progress, rather than as medicine to anesthetize against continued national gloom. Should such kindness emerge, I hope the good vibes drift up to America Jr. Canada. It will be such an awkward reversal for us to be making social advances while your national leadership favors a retrograde course.

    If it is any consolation, I can’t see Canada ever becoming as barbaric as my polity is at present. Our future progress may even be constructively informed by the prior achievements of your fellow Canucks. Canada will never have a black President, and it may be quite a while before there si a black Canadian Prime Minister. However, it does have the basics of social responsibility relatively right. For all the cheering and hollering the wisest of us are likely to display as our 2008 election is resolved, we actually have a long way to go before we get near Canada’s outcomes in terms of reducing violence, relieving poverty, and generally giving non-aristocrats a fair shake at living a good life.


  • I’m disappointed that because I voted early, I won’t get any cool free stuff. But I am happy that I made sure I would get to vote. I’m on pins and needles and not sure I want to see anything about the election today, until it’s over. I still remember 2000. And, I’m afraid that intense disappointment in my country might put me into labor. Although jumping around for joy might have the same results!


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