R.I.P. Torsopants

Yesterday, I received an email telling me about the untimely demise of Torsopants:

It is with great sadness that I announce, at the urging of Bilderberg, that I am closing the doors at TorsoPants.com at midnight December 23rd, 2008. I cannot get into complete details, but my higher masters have told me that my mission will be changing over the next few months and this is the first step in a series of movements I will make in my life to fulfill the prophecy that is Sunshine Megatron.1

This is very sad, as Torsopants is where I purchased one of my most favourite shirts:

DSC_5062 by you.

Here we are enjoying delicious lemon fake “chicken” at Lucky Creation in San Francisco:

IMG_3750 by you.

Oh, those were happy times, before my beloved T-shirt’s homeland was on the brink of death.  Poor T-shirt.

Now I’m trying to decide if I should buy this one2 before the 23rd:


Or possible this one:

with this arrow

Or this one:

words on a shirt

1For the record, they always say weird stuff like that in their emails. The fish.
2It’s funny because you have to look it up in the dictionary.

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