My Best Excuse Yet
So, Sunday is the day that I’m supposed to write my entry in my BC Premier series1. And I know you are dying to hear about all the high jinks2 that Charles Augustus Semlin, the 11th Premier of BC, got up to during his crazy3 time in office. But I have a very good excuse as to why I’m not writing my entry today:
My wrist hurts. In fact, it’s hurt since last week’s hockey game, when I think I must have fallen on it funny. And, since it’s my right hand that hurts – the hand I write with, the hand I mouse with – I haven’t really rested it during the past week. And now, after tonight’s hockey game4, it hurts more. So I’ve made the drastic move of wrapping it in a tensor bandage. And I have plans to sleep with an ice pack (which I also did last week). And I’m typing this with one hand.
And thus, I am not doing tonight’s scheduled entry in my BC Premier Series. But that’s a pretty good excuse, right?
1And I do at least 50% of the time.
2I have no idea if there were high jinks, as I have not yet done my blog posting on him.
3Similarly, I have no idea the level of craziness, if any, of his time in office.
4Which we won 4-0, btw.
I can’t believe you hurt your hand. It’s such a bad omen! I hate injuries the night before Monday! 🙁
Get well soon 🙂
What? On omen? And isn’t “the night before Monday” just “Sunday”?
That’s a very interesting expression you have in that picture. Do you have a name for it? Is that “Blue Steel?”
Magnum, actually.
[…] for the past two days I’ve had my right hand wrapped up – half because compression is good for the strain and half because it serves as a reminder for me […]