‘Tis the season…
…to receive. I mean to give. And receive.
OK, I have to admit that I’m a bit of a child when it comes to getting presents. I can’t help it – I love ripping open wrapping paper to see what someone’s given me. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not completely selfish. I love buying presents for other people (especially when I find just the most perfect thing that I know they will love!). But if we didn’t like getting presents, wouldn’t there be no joy for the giver of the gift? OK, enough with the rationalization. On with the prezzies.
Kalev and I exchanged gifts earlier this week, since I’m going to be gone to Mexico soon. In addition to the last installment of Y: The Last Man, all the prior installments of which he’s given me previously and the story of which I’m just dying to find out how it ends, he got me a Quatchi hoodie:
As you know, Quatchi is my favourite of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic mascots. Inexplicably, they don’t make adult-sized clothing with Olympic mascots on them1, so Kalev had to get me a child-sized hoodie:
Good thing I’m child-sized, because this totally fits me. And it’s cosy and warm!
I think the best thing about the hoodie is that inside the hood is lined with pictures of all the mascots playing winter sports:
Look, there they are playing hockey! And Quatchi is the goalie!
In other present-related news, I also received this package in the mail from my parents:
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the Luongo card is from my dad.
I know of two other packages that are winging their way towards me, but which I’ll just have to wait until I get back to open, as I leave on Monday first thing in the morning.
And then there’s the best gift of all… a trip to Mexico!
In conclusion, I’m spoiled.
1Adults can too like Quatchi!
Comments |6|
Tags: Christmas, gifts, Mexico, people who are cool enough to travel with me, presents, Quatchi, Xmas
Beth, I can’t wait to see pictures from Mexico!
Congrats on the Quatchi! How long do you think it took the Olympic Mascot Committee to come up with his name?
Probably about eight seconds.
I’m glad you liked your prezzies so much! I wasn’t aware the Quatchi hoodie would be such a hit but then, people have always told me I have impeccable taste. 😛
(What? Yes of course I can make everything about me! It’s a special skill.)
I have to say once I started eating my hockey puck, I absolutely devoured it. It was very tasty and it felt so good to be destroying something representative of hockey.
I am looking forward to wearing my naughty shirt and reading some Christian-bashing, too.
I wearing my Quatchi hoodie right at this very moment! So warm and toasty! It’s like being in the hug of the lovable sasquatch himself!
Speaking of presents winging their way to you – Canada Post says that our gift hit Richmond on the night of the 19th and should have was “out for delivery” yesterday. No idea what that means, but it might still get to you before you leave!
Love the hoodie!! Also – we are holding off on opening your gifts until the big day, so you’ll get a REAL thank you then.
What?! No adult-size mascot hoodies? That’s just… dumb.
And I completely agree: Quatchi (“Ewok Slacker“) is the best of ’em.