All Things Hockey

Item the First: this, my friends, is a toddler hockey brawl:

more about “ – Toddler hockey brawl“, posted with vodpod

It’s so very wrong, yet so adorable.  I would so love to see a couple of NHLers have a slap fight like that.

Item the Second: Apparently there’s a new play on tour called “Five Hole: Tales of Hockey Erotica.” In case it isn’t clear, they provide this informative tagline: “Combines sex and hockey together.”   According to this site they are on a “cross-Canada” tour.  A tour which stretches from Calgary, AB to Ottawa, ON1.    There are a number of shows slated for Ontario, so all of my Ontario-based readers: I expect you to attend this play and report back.  Maybe you can win the much coveted role of “Theatre Critic” here on NTBTWK2.

Item The Third: I’ve figured out what’s been wrong with the Canucks.  It’s not been coaching nor injuries nor lacklustre play by the defence.  It’s all been the result of a cursed password.  Not unlike the cursed chocolate bar episode of 2007, the cursed password is a password that was jinxing my boys.  I have to change my work computer password every 42 days.  And it’s surprisingly difficult to think up a new password that often, so I usually go with whatever I’m thinking of at the time I get the “change your password now” reminder.  And in early January, I happened to be thinking of that Canucks when I got that reminder and so I happened to make that my password.  And the Canucks went on a horrible losing skid.  And it didn’t occur to me until just yesterday that this is obviously the result of my password, which must be cursed.  And so I changed it.  And guess what happened in tonight’s Canucks game?  Yeah, I think that’s enough evidence to conclusively prove that my password was cursed.  Lesson learned: no more Canucks-related passwords.

1Hate to break the news to you, but if you keep going west past those big moutains, you’ll find more Canada! Ditto for going east of Ottawa.
2“Coveted” due to the level of prestige that comes with this role. The level of pay, not so much3.
3There is no pay for the NTBTWK Theatre Critic position.

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  • Five Hole is by Dave Bidini, isn’t it? I remember reading it a few years ago and finding the stories somewhere between mild and piquant, but well written nonetheless. Sadly, the closest it’s getting to me is Parry Sound, which isn’t all that close, because like Canada ending at the Rockies and not going past Ottawa (or sometimes Montreal), Ontario ends at Orillia.

    Rebecca’s last blog post..Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda


  • Reply

  • @Rebecca – I suppose I’ll have to let you off the hockey about seeing that play given that they are totally northern alienating you!

    @Jennifer – Unfortunately, the system won’t let you chose a password that is similar to any of the passwords you’ve used in the last 12 months. Damn them and their security!


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