Taylor and Me

So today was the big day – my chance to skate at GM Place *and* have my picture taken with Taylor Pyatt! (You know you are jealous!)

This is me, heading down the steps to go skate at GM Place:

DSC_6101 by you.

This is me skating:

DSC_6220 by you.

I have to say the ice is pretty damn nice. (Comparable, I’d say, to the Olympic-sized rink at UBC ).  It was also pretty cool to skate through the crease and think, “damn, this is wear Luongo stands!”)

This is me on the Canucks bench.  It was pretty much the same as any hockey bench I’ve ever been on before. (I don’t know why I expected it to be different, but I did).

DSC_6174 by you.

And this is the Canucks’ mascot, Fin, eating my arm:

DSC_6230 by you.

Of course, the highlight of the event was meeting Taylor Pyatt for a photo.

Our conversation went something like this:

Taylor:    Hi, what’s your name?
Me:           Beth
Taylor:    Hi, Beth. I’m Taylor.
Me:          I know.

IMG_4528 by you.

Thanks again to everyone who sponsored me for this event. I appreciate your generosity in supporting this very worthy cause!  (The Michael Cuccione Laboratory for Childhood Cancer Research, I mean.  Not that me getting to skate at GM Place and have my pic taken with Taylor isn’t a worthy cause.  Just the charity is a bit worthier.)

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