My Greeny Valentine

Raul is having a contest where you write about what you are going to do to make your Valentine enviro-friendly and thenyou are entered into a draw to win a snowshoeing tour at Cypress Mountain (complete with chocolate fondue in a quaint little wooden hut).  And I’ve always wanted to go snowshoeing!

My dilemma, however, is if I blog about what I’m going to do for a green Valentine’s Day, it will ruin the surprise for my Valentine, who reads my blog.  What are you trying to do, Raul, ruin everyone’s V-Day?

But I *really* want that free snowshoeing tour.  Let’s see… can I be cryptic?  Hmm… turning the lights out saves energy, right?  Some nice soy-based candles are eco-friendly, yes?  (Also, I use rechargeable batteries for… things, so that counts for something.  TMI?)  😉

Free snowshoeing tour, please!

Image credit: xurde on Flickr

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