The Mental Health Commission of Canada Wants To Hear From You!

The Mental Health Commission of Canada is consulting with the public in order to set goals to guide a Mental Health Strategy for Canada:

Canada is the only G8 country without a mental health strategy. The Mental Health Commission of Canada has been given the responsibility to work with Canadians to address this gap.

The first step is to work out shared goals to guide the development of a mental health strategy. The Commission is seeking public and stakeholder input on the eight goals that are set out in the document Toward Recovery and Well-Being – A Framework for a Mental Health Strategy for Canada.

This draft framework document proposes a vision for WHAT a transformed mental health system should look like. Your input will help us to finalize the draft framework, and to set the stage for developing a detailed roadmap for HOW to achieve the eight goals it contains.

Your contribution to this exercise is important: it is only by working together that we will keep mental health issues out of the shadows – forever.

You can contribute online at:

The consultation period ends on April 19, 2009.

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