
I seem to have received a heck of a lot of nice presents lately!

First up, this Calathea plant, given to me by the trainees on my last day at my old job. They said it was for my new office! So sweet!

Calathea plant  by you.

That same day my then-boss gave me these roses to thank me for all my work with the program:

Roses by you.

And then, to welcome me to my new job, my new boss gave me this plant for my office:

IMG_4914 by you.

I didn’t know what kind of a plant it was (and nor did my boss), but the interwebs came to the rescue when I posted the pic on Flickr and asked, “what the heck is this?” Turns out, it’s a Kalanchoe. Wish me luck keeping my plants alive, as I totally suck at plant keeping alivery.

And the final gift I’ve received lately, which I’ve also used in decorating of my new office is this:

IMG_4944 by you.

This is a thank you present from the class of grade 3 and 4 students that I spent six Friday mornings teaching science to.  I had soooo much fun teaching those guys – I told them that I would put this up in my office and every time I see it, I will think of them!

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