zomg, my plant is still alive!

Somehow, I’ve managed to keep this plant alive for more than a month:

IMG_4986 by you.

I’m pretty sure that’s a record for me.  My other plant, which I received about aweek after this one is also still alive, but it’s spent the past week on vacation in one of my coworkers’ offices as she has a window and we figured that since it was looking a little lacklustre, perhaps some sunshine would do it some good.

Also, I got sick of never being able to find my keys in my purse, so got these:

IMG_4987 by you.

Quatchi & Mukmuk keychains!  Of course, I’ve merely replaced the can’t-find-my-keys problem with the can-no-longer-close-my-purse problem.

And finally, Satan drives a minivan:

IMG_4984 by you.

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