Laziness – I could really go for some gelato right now, but I’d have to walk all the way to my car ((which is directly outside my house)) and drive all the way to Kerrisdale ((which really is not that far away))
Pickiness – I would love a Häagen Dazs ice cream bar right about now. But they only have ones with almonds in them. Boo almonds!
Did I mention laziness? – I could have some cake, but then I’d need to go for a run to burn off the extra calories. And I’m so comfy right here on my couch!
Oh, I like almonds, just not mixed with chocolate (as they are in the Häagen Dazs ice cream bar coating). I'm quite particular about my chocolate – it must be dark (not milk and certainly not that horrific non-chocolate substance that calls itself “white chocolate”) and I don't like things mixed in with chocolate). Like I said, picky.
The Haagen Dazs with almonds is DELICIOUS!!!
In other news, yes, you are very picky. 😛
And cilantro is still the devil. The DEVIL I say!
Then the devil is DELICOIUS!
Why not almonds? Are they devil food or just food that will stop you from breathing?
Oh, I like almonds, just not mixed with chocolate (as they are in the Häagen Dazs ice cream bar coating). I'm quite particular about my chocolate – it must be dark (not milk and certainly not that horrific non-chocolate substance that calls itself “white chocolate”) and I don't like things mixed in with chocolate). Like I said, picky.