My Legs Are Sore
Because apparently I’m a masochist. Or perhaps I thought I could get my entire year’s worth of exercise into two days. At any rate, my weekend consisted of:
Hiking Eagle Bluffs with Rachel (about 3 hours)
- neither Rach nor I had done this hike before and it was a really nice, a fair bit of uphill at the start, but then it was pretty easy going; great view (especially since it was a perfect day with not a cloud in the sky)
- along the way, some other hikers told us that they had seen a bear. We contemplated the option of turning back or just talking loudly, clapping our hands and jingling keys ((because bears don’t want to see you, so if they hear you coming, they’ll make themselves scarce. The problems occur when you sneak up on them and they get startled.)) – we chose the latter. When we got to the top, a woman and her two sons were there, so we asked if they’d seen the bear and she said, “No. We heard there was a bear, so we were being very quiet because we wanted to see it. But you were being so loud, we knew we didn’t have a chance.” Apparently no one told them that BEARS KILL PEOPLE!
Stick & Puck with Kim (30 mins)
- since I knew that the first game of the season was on Sunday, I wanted to get out on the ice, you know, just to make sure I still knew how to skate. As it turns out, I do still know how to skate, although my shot didn’t miraculously become unsucky over the summer, as I was sort of banking on happening.
- we didn’t stay long at Stick & Puck because, despite the fact that it was supposed to be Stick & Puck ((which means people show up with just skates, helmet, gloves & stick for a bit of skating around, stick handling and such)), about 30 people, mostly very large men, showed up in full gear taking very hard shots all over the place. There was barely any room to skate and the whole time we were worried about getting hit ‘cuz we weren’t wearing full gear! The big men were running over the few small children out there, so we figured they’d have no qualms about running the only two women on the ice over either. I felt a bit like I was letting down womankind, but I’d be no good to my team if I broke my neck at S&P before the season started, now would I?
18 km run (2 hrs 17 mins)
- it was pretty hot out yesterday, my calves were aching from all the hiking up the mountain and I knew I had my first hockey game of the season that night, but such is my dedication to ((or perhaps fear of)) my upcoming half marathon that I went out for an 18 km run.
- the run was slower than I would generally like because my legs felt like lead, but FSM bless the lovely people at the snack bar at Spanish Bank West who re-filled my water bottle for me. And put ice in it! By the time I got home, I was *covered* in salt. I know, sexy, right?
First hockey game of the season (1 hr)
- despite the fact that I like to go bed by 10:30 p.m. on school nights ((which I’m clearly failing at again today, since it’s 10:50 p.m. as I type this)), I was at the rink last night at 10:15 p.m. playing my first game since playoffs in April, facing off against the same team that gave me a concussion the last time we played them
- it was a really close game, but we won 3-2! w00t!
- and *I* got an assist! I worked hard for that assist – it may have looked to the untrained eye that the puck just bounced off of me and directly to my linemate, but I assure you I worked very hard to be place just in the right spot at just the right time to strategically bounce that puck off my body to my linemate who was a wicked good shot. Strategically, I say!
Anyway, all in all, it was a pretty good weekend, but my legs are barely functional. My calves look great, if I do say so myself, but they are stiff as all get out ((what the hell does “all get out” mean anyway? Is that even an expression?))
All get out,accordIong to the all knowing oracle we call google, is an expression. And based on it’s definition (see you have used it correctly.
Further, I don’t think it’s right to taunt us with the awesomeness of your legs without sharing a picture of them. Lol.
Holy crap Beth! How many kcal do you think you ate those days?! That's my favourite part of super active days – super active mouth and no guilt!
I actually don't think I ate that much – I didn't have any *time* to eat!