Some Quick Facts About Daycare in Canada
I recently came across this report on Early childhood education and care in Canada 2008 ((since everyone I know seems to have babies all of the sudden, it’s a topic that I’m kind of interested in)) and was checking out their quick facts sheet ((it’s like having Coles Notes for the report. W00t!). Some of those quick facts:
- Kids age 0-5 years whose moms work ((of course, there wasn’t too much information on dads. Even though lots of dads provide great care for their kids, it’s still thought of as primarily a woman’s responsibility)): 1.274,000
- Regulated childcare spaces in Canada: 867,194
- Kids age 0-5 year for whom there was a regulated child care space: 20.3%
- Child care spaces that were for-profit: 25%
- Median income for full-time, full-year child care centre staff (2006 data): $25,100
Also, the median monthly cost of having an infant in daycare in BC is listed as $765. This seems low to me, knowing how much some people actually spend on day care. The report doesn’t seem to have this information for all the provinces, which seems like something that would have been relevant for a report on daycare.
Out of curiosity, for any of my readers who have kids in daycare (or are looking to put their kids in daycare), how much does it cost you?
Almost twice that.
And that's not even a daycare facility.
Private daycare home (licensed) – $950.00 (Burnaby Area) FT
Infant/Toddler Licensed Group Daycare – $1200 (Burnaby Area) FT
The Government provides a stipend of $100 to go towards this cost (oh gee thanks)
Keep in mind that Vancouver & the Lower Mainland isn't all of BC. 🙂
My wife and I had twins recently and we've been looking into daycare. Here in Burnaby, it's going to cost us somewhere around $1100 per kid at the SFU daycare facility.
Daycare is cheaper in the interior and on the gulf islands. Friends of ours pay close to the median rate, actually a bit less ($695 I believe) for their daycare near Kamloops.
As for government stipends, well the way I figure it is that we decided to have the kids, so we should foot the bill too. If they want to give me $100 stipend, well that's $100 I didn't have before 🙂
Good point! That was very Vancouver-centric of me! But even the median rate is pretty darn high – and if you have two kids, it gets to the point that almost your whole paycheck is going to cover the cost of daycare!
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That should be called the STFU daycare facility.