iPhone’s Voice Control is Psychic

Today’s blog posting will have to be short one as I’m trying to get some marking done.  And I may have spent all of last night playing with iPhone apps.  So my quick blog posting will be, not surprisingly, about my iPhone ((did I mention that I love my iPhone?  I think from now on I’ll just sign my paycheques over to Steve Jobs directly)).

The new Voice Control. It rocks. by Adrià Fontcuberta.

The iPhone has a feature called “Voice Control” – you push a button to put the phone in voice control mode and then you can speak to the phone to tell it what you want to do:

  • “Play songs by Madonna” will turn on the iPod function of your phone, a voice will say, “Playing songs by Madonna”  and then start playing songs by Madonna from your music library.
  • “Call Tod” will cause the phone to look up Tod’s phone number in your contact list, saying “Calling Tod” and then it dials his number.
  • “What song is playing?” will get the phone to tell you the name and artist of the song that is currently playing.

As I was playing around with it last night, I said, just for fun, “Go make me a cup of tea,” to which it replied, “No match found.” Then I tried, “Go fuck yourself.” To which is replied, “Calling [insert name of person I don’t really like by whose number I happen to have in my contact list].”

Guess I shouldn’t have downloaded that “make your iPhone psychic” app.

Image Credit: Posted by Adrià Fontcuberta on Flickr.

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