O Christmas Tree – Now With Photos!
By special request, here are some photos of my Christmas tree!
I like that fact that it is skinny – most Christmas trees are much wider, but a skinny tree is a definite plus in a Vancouver-sized apartment! Notice that the star on the top touches the ceiling (and to even get the star onto the tree required bending down the top branch of the tree!) – I couldn’t have a taller tree if I tried!
I seem to have far fewer ornaments than I remember, which means either there is a box of ornaments around somewhere that I haven’t looked or they were an unintended causality of the Great Purge of ‘06 ((To fill it out a bit, I bought the blue glass ball ornaments and the beaded garland.)). But I do want to share with you a few of my favs that were in the box of ornaments that I was able to find.
Baking with my mom and sister ((and, at Christmas time, my Aunt Wendy)) was a big part of my childhood, so this is probably my favourite ornament. It’s a gingerbread girl who is baking gingerbread cookies – so meta! – and I got her in 1988 ((the year is written on her apron, which you can’t see in this photo)) from my parents ((my sister got an identical ornament and so mine has a sticker on it to be able to tell whose was whose. Because for some reason that matter to us when we were 11 and 13)).
This Garfield has sat on the branch of my Christmas trees for as far back as I can remember:
Like virtually every other biological sciences undergrad, I thought I was going to be an MD when I grew up – hence this ornament that my sister gave me in 1994 ((which would have put me in grade 12)):
Another gift from my sister was this Hop on Pop ornament, from the Dr. Seuss classic of the same name. I loved that book when I was a kid because it featured two kids (which I equated to my sister and me) and a daddy with a big belly (which I equated to my dad). I can’t remember what year my sis gave me this one, but it was recent!
Note that the photos don’t really do my tree justice- you’ll have to come over to see it to really have an appreciation for it!
Comments |2|
Tags: Christmas, Christmas tree, holidays, nostalgia, ornaments, Xmas
That tree is great! The cookie girl baking the cookies is my fav. too
(I have the same one.) I think they are the first one's we got that matched.
We are literally and figuratively a Hallmark moment.
Someone better tell Hofstadter about that gingerbread lady!