
Today I received a surprise package in the mail!  It contained house warming presents from my niece, my sister and her boyfriend.

This is a jar that my niece made for me ((with a bit of assistance from Jeff. M drew it, but Jeff had to trace the drawing with paint because the paint bottle was super difficult to squeeze the paint out 0f. Pretty impressive for a five-year-old, eh? (The five-year-old being my niece, not Jeff.)))


Here’s the pattern on which the painting is based ((can you tell her Mom is an artist and teaches at art college? I can just see her telling M she needs to draw a model of what she wants to do first, just like she does with her college students!))


And here’s the other half the gift, which Nancy admittedly did not make herself, but is pretty awesome nonetheless:


The awesomeness lies in the fact that Dr. Pepper was a popular drink in the Snow household when we were kids. Our dad liked to drink it, which meant we liked to drink it. I have fond memories of be allowed to drink Dr. Pepper on Saturdays when Dad was taking care of us and we were hanging out at the pigeon coop ((What? Doesn’t every kid hang out at the pigeon coop on Saturdays?  In our world, Saturday was pigeon racing day.  Our mom worked on Saturdays when I was really little – after I was in school full-time she went back to working full-time, but before that she worked Thursday & Friday nights and Saturdays – and so Saturday was Dad’s day to take care of us, so off to the coop with promises of Dr. Peppers it was)).

Thanks for the presents, guys!

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