
I have a confession to make. Big Brother is my guilty pleasure of the summer. I know, I know, I’m usually all holier-than-thou-I-don’t-even-*have*-a-TV, but yet I watch the silliest of all “reality” TV shows. ((Of course, I have confessed my Young & The Restless habit, so this new revelation shouldn’t really come as that much of a surprise)). Anyway, for the uninitiated, BB involves a bunch of hot strangers with little clothing on (referred to as “houseguests”) who hang around a house full of TV cameras and microphones, competing in cheesy games a couple of times per week to be “Head of Household” or get the “Power of Veto” and once a week they get to vote someone off the Island out of the house. The rest of the time, they are locked in this house with no contact with anyone else – no contact with family, friends, and for the love of the FSM, no Internets. The show is on three times a week (basically showing the competitions, voting and a few highlights of life in the house), but for the low, low price of $40, you can subscribe via the intertubes to a 24 hour a day feed of what’s going on in the BB house.

This conversation may or may not have happened yesterday, while the live feed was showing the houseguests just lounging around talking about… well, I don’t even remember what it was… something very boring, anyway:

Person #1: Oh my god, they are so bored.

Person #2: And we paid money to watch it!

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