Loophole In The Shoe Ban

I acquired a new pair of shoes today.  However, it wasn’t my fault AND I didn’t pay for them, so I am not contravention of 2010 new shoe ban, as the exact words of the ban were: “I’ve decided that I won’t buy any news shoes this year, except possibly running shoes if needed.” Hooray for loopholes!

Free Shoes!The give you the full story, one of my co-workers had a pair of shoes in her office that had been there for eons, but which she never wears.  She looked at my feet and said, “What size are you?” and when I said I was size 6, she said, “They’ll fit you!  You take them!”  I protested, but she insisted and who am I to argue with someone who is generously offering me something??  Also, in my defence (not that I’m totally rationalizing this or anything), I don’t actually have a pair of plain black flats ((at least not since I left the pair I did have at Danielle’s place in Victoria)), so this is really like the only type of shoe that was missing from my vast, vast collection.

Also on the topic of my cheapness and rampant consumerism, I bought an adorable little top at a consignment store yesterday. I was meeting my friends Bryn & Patrice from my old work for dinner, but I was there a bit early ((I always leave extra time in case there’s traffic when driving into Vancouver, but traffic was fine!)), so popped into a consignment store, which had tonnes of cute stuff, almost none of which fit me.  Except this top.  And it was only $10, and who am I to turn down an adorable $10 top?

Day 37

This is the first and only piece of animal print clothing I own.  I figure I’m far enough past my cougar phase that I can now pull this off.

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