Bread Begets Bread Pudding

So, the problem with baking bread is, well, you end up with a lot of bread.  Even though I brought a whole loaf to work, I still had a lot more bread left than I could eat.  The solution: make some bread pudding!

Now, I’ve never made bread pudding before, so I went to the trusty recipe website and found a 4.5 star recipe. And it was pretty easy – basically rip up the bread, mix it with some cinnamon and raisins, and then pour over a mix of beaten eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla – and bake!

Ripped up bread with cinnamon and raisins:

Bread Pudding - Pre-baking

Baked bread pudding:

Bread Pudding

It smelled so good that we couldn’t resist eating some before I took the photo!

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