I was driving home from dinner tonight and as I got off the highway I noticed that the car in front of me had a license plate that started with “BJOB.” Knowing me like I know you all do ((i.e., sense of humour of a 12-year-old boy)), I immediately (a) laughed and (b) thought, “I need a photo of that!!”  And, would you believe that I drove behind this car for the next 8 km, until such time as I had to turn off to go to my house, without hitting a single red light?  Seriously, the *one time* I want a red light and I get smoothly sailing clear across the city! So unfair!

Also, I will neither confirm nor deny that photos were or were not taken in a vain attempt to capture said license plate while in motion. This is how much I may or may not for you, my fair blog readers!

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