Personal Best Hockey Season

One of the items on my 101 things to do list was:

36. beat my current record of 10 points in a hockey season

Well, the regular season of my Burnaby hockey team finished up last week and I give you this season’s stats:

hockey stats 2010-11

Item #36 – check! Bring on the playoffs!

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  • Reply

  • Beth-
    Congrats!!! and inspiring! I just started learning to play hockey and I’m loving it. Now I just have to figure out my wrist shot and overcome my irrational desire to shoot the puck into the goalie’s feet.


  • The goalie’s feet are a very compelling place to shoot, as it directly square in her chest! I find I have to consciously think “Shoot it where the goalie isn’t!” Though often you don’t have enough time to think that before you shoot!


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