2011 Year-In-Review

2011 - A Year in Photos BeginsIn the last few weeks, I’ve heard a lot of people lamenting how terrible 2011 has been. Just last night when I was out for dinner, I overheard the people at the next table describing 2011 as a “black cloud” and hoping that 2012 will bring some better luck. And I do know some people who have suffered awful tragedies in 2011 – the loss of loved ones at far too young an age or loved ones in terrible accidents that will mean a long and slow convalescence into 2012. But somehow I managed to not only avoid the back luck that so many seemed to have this year, it was actually a really amazing 365 days for me ((Lest you think I don’t know how bad a bad year can be, we only need to look back to 2006!)).

Off the top of my head, I can think of several amazing things that happened for me in 2011:

But scrolling through my blog postings for the year, I see even more cool things happened this year. I started the year off with my first ever Polar Bear Swim. I picked up a new fun class to teach in January. I gave my first and second invited guest lectures (at Vancouver Island University and the University  of Guelph, respectively). I learned that I’m a fire dragon! I was featured in a hard hitting news story about eating at pubs during hockey playoffs. I ran an 8 km and a half marathon and bought a shiny new bike. I wrote what I consider to be one of my best blog postings ever. Becoming an unvegetarian lead to a number of firsts for me, including cooking my first turkey and my first steak. I also made my first ever appearance on a podcast.
I made it over to Vancouver Island in February, but then didn’t make any other trips in 2011 until June, but after that, I was traveling in every single month of the year: Ottawa/Gananoque/Toronto in June, Oregon in July/August, Edmonton in September, Victoria in October, Ottawa/Montreal in November, and Vancouver Island again in December.

And tonight I’m off to ring in the new year with some friends and an endless supply of margaritas! Here’s hoping that everyone has a fabulous 2012!

Image Credit: Posted by Jackson Carson on Flickr.

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  • I would give 2011 an A+ grade. What a crazy awesome year. Yes, it presented me with several issues and challenges, but overall it was amazing. If 2012 turns out to be half as awesome, it’s going to be a good year.

    Happy 2012 Dr. Beth.


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