FaceTime With The Doctors
I’m doing a presentation at an All Staff meeting at work next week on “A Day in the Life of the Evaluation Specialist”. I figure since most people have no idea what I do and about half the time I get introduced as an epidemiologist, this might be a neat opportunity to spread the word about the profession and all the wonderfulness that is evaluation ((Also, I’m an attention whore.)).

So I’ve been thinking about all the cool stuff I do and, more specifically, what cool visuals I could use to represent said cool stuff ((Because I have a hate on for text in presentation slides.)). Well, one of the cool things I’m doing is collaborating on a grant application with Dr. Dan. And when one collaborates with someone who is thousands of kilometers away, one must avail themselves of modern conveniences. Like FaceTime. And so today I badgered Dr. Dan into a Facetime photo shoot.
This is the shot I’m going to use in my presentation:
We look like we are engaged in, and enjoying, talking about our science-y brain thoughts!
But, of course, a photo shoot with the likes of the two of us couldn’t help but go from reasonable shots of us FaceTiming, like this:
… to something like this:

Of course, I’ll post my Prezi once I have it finished, because I know that you are all dying to know how an Evaluation Specialist spends her days!
awesome, I’m totally going to check out your Prezi! and I really like your “I am not an epidemiologist” shirt, that clears everything up nicely.
I had it custom made. Because no one else has ever, or will ever, want this shirt except for me.
This post makes me giggle in my giggle zone.
Mission accomplished! Because apparently my mission was to make you giggle in your giggle zone.