Vote For Rick or Bears Will Eat Your Kidneys

Remember my friend Rick? Well, in his ongoing life of being awesome he is, not surprisingly, doing something awesome. Something that you need to give him a little help with.

The thing that he is doing, which I’m sure you are undoubtedly going to help him with, is the Big Mountain Challenge through Banff Lake Louise Tourism. The winner of said challenge gets an officially official mountain guide to take them on hikes up three peaks in Banff National Park AND they get up to $25,000 donated to a charity of their choosing. Rick, being a kidney scientist extraordinaire, has naturally chosen The Kidney Foundation of Canada as the charity that will get the money when he wins this contest. Which he will. Because you will help him.

And here’s where you come in. You need to go here and vote for Rick. And because voting for Rick is so much fun, you can do it twice. Or three times. Per day. Every day. Do it on your phone. Do it in multiple browsers. Vote every single day between now and the deadline (July 27). Just do it!

And then once you have exhausted all your voting opportunities, go to Banff National Park website at “Like” their page, and comment that you want Rick to win!

Because if you don’t, bears will eat your kidneys.

bears will eat your kidneys

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