My Library
Over on Lifehacker, I saw a posting about how you can create a searchable catalogue of your book collection by taking pictures of your bookshelves and uploading them to Evernote. For the uninitiated, Evernote ((My usual disclosure: I have no vested interest in Evernote.)) is a service where you can store notes and pictures and then search for text in them – including text in the pictures! By taking pictures of your bookshelves, all the titles and authors listed on the book spines then become searchable within Evernote. Very cool.
Anyway, it reminded me that I’ve been meaning to write a blog post where I post pictures of all my books to show the world my library. The idea stemmed from the realization that I had that whenever I go to someone’s house, if I see a bookshelf, I *have* to examine what books they have. I think it is very telling. So now I’m putting all my books on display for the world to see – what do you think my book collection says about me?
That bone china teacup is from my Granny‘s teacup collection. She gave one to all her children and grandchildren.
That wooden duck was carved by my Grampa. It was in my Dad’s collection – my mom let me pick one when I was last visiting Ontario.
This is super awesome and if I get a spare moment in the next few days I am so doing this …