August Challenge – How Did I Do?

Hey, remember that time that I said I was going to do some kind of physical activity every day in August? Apparently I didn’t. I started off strong, with some running and walking and hiking and a few token pushups on days that I spent driving long distances. And then at some point I seem to have just forgotten completely that I was trying to do this. I blame the frogs. I did manage to climb a mountain, play some tennis, and run a total of 69 km ((Tee hee!)), including a zombie obstacle course race, so it’s not like I was a *complete* slacker. Just didn’t actually do something beyond my regular walking & taking the stairs on every single day of the month. I have a 12 km run and a hike planned for this weekend and then the hockey seasons starts, so maybe I’ll have better luck in September?

I did, however, manage to achieve the other part of my August Challenge – as soon as I hit “publish” on this blog posting, I’ll have posted a blog posting every day this month, something I haven’t achieved since November of last year. Since school is starting back up next Friday, I don’t expect that I’ll be able to keep this one up, but I’ll try to post as much as I can!

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