Learn It!

And so my glorious, glorious summer break ends. After work today, I head back to class for the first time since June 24! The break from classes has been much appreciated – though I’ve been working on assignments and readings and our big business plan project, it’s been really nice to be able to sleep in on weekends and not have more assignments appear on top of the ones that I was already working on.

Fortunately, we are really quite close to being done the Core part of the program ((read: hell on earth.)). We have two weekends of regular classes in September, then a weekend of exams in October, then a weekend of presenting our business plan projects in November. And then the Core is done! We’ve been assured that the Core is the really killer part – if you can make it through that, then the post-Core is relatively much more manageable. So really, those the next couple of months will be exhaustingly busy, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Hooray!

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