Eat It!

After a long day of class today ((Macroeconomics, followed by a double dose of statistics, then managerial economics. That be *a lot* of math.)), I rewarded myself by buying a foam roller ((Which will be the subject of an upcoming blog posting)) and then dinner at La Bell Patate, a Québécois restaurant on Davie Street. I had bought a Social Shopper (i.e., fake Groupon) deal for 2 poutine and 2 hotdogs at L.B.P., a place that I had only heard of when I’d Googled around to try to find if you can buy spruce beer anywhere in Vancouver.

The hotdogs – or “steamies” as they are called there (all dressed with sauerkraut and onions and mustard) – were nothing to write home about. Then again, I never had steamies when I was in Montreal as a kid like I did Montreal smoked meat or spruce beer, so I don’t have any nostalgia associated with it. But the poutine was divine:


And they did, in fact, have my beloved spruce beer!

Spruce Beer

It was even better than the stuff I had picked up the last time I was in Montreal. At least 87% more sprucey!

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