Movin’ On Up To A Deluxe Cubicle In The Sky!

OK, it’s not actually a cubicle, but a desk in a room with a bunch of other desks. Regardless, it’s on the 13th story of an office tower where our corporate office is located. At a location where I can ride the Skytrain or bike to work, so it’s pretty freak awesome. As well, I’m now co-located with a lot of the other people with whom I work, which makes things easier. I’ll probably save a few hours a week that I used to spend driving from my old office to this building, as most of my meetings are located here anyway. The commute is virtually identical in length of time it takes me to get to work – 20 minutes door to door by Skytrain compared to 20 minutes door to door by car to my old office, but it’s way better because I don’t have to sit in traffic and drive over the death-defying Patullo Bridge. Instead, I get a nice little walk to the Skytrain Station, a Skytrain ride that is the opposite direction to the way most people are going so I always get a seat, and a nice little walk from the Skytrain Station to my office building. Additionally, my drive home from work from my old office always took longer than getting there in the morning, as the traffic was always worse, so it often took 30-40 minutes instead of 20, whereas the commute home from my new office is always just 20 minutes. All around better location.

Of course, moving offices is like moving house, in that I had to go through a big purge of stuff that I’d been accumulating for the past 4 years since I moved into this office.

This is just the stuff that I didn’t have in drawers and filing cabinets:



I managed to purge enough to get everything into these 3 small boxes, plus my two drawer lockable cabinet filing1:


The office had a going away tea for my and my co-worker, Katie, who was also making the move with me:


And here’s my new desk space:

New Office Space

Marty the Moose and my robots with flames on them feel right at home:

New Office Space

New Office Space

And here’s the view from our lunchroom:

New Office Space

New Office Space

New Office Space

The pictures don’t really do it justice – it’s disorientingly high up there!

Also, I saw this in the hallway and while I hope we never need to evacuate, I have to say that looks kind of fun:

New Office Space

  1. Which I need to keep my research data in, as per ethics rules []

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