Random Tidbits
So I’ve got a whole bunch of random tidbits floating around in my brain that are too small to write actual blog postings about, yet are being insistent that they want to blogged ((Some have already been tweeted, but apparently this was not sufficient to get it out of my brain. See also: a bunch of stuff that I want to write up for publication but just haven’t been able to find the time!)). So, in an effort to appease said tidbits, I give you this bulleted lists of random thoughts, ideas, and mini-stories:
- So I was out at the (new) Tiki Bar on Friday with Cath, her husband, and some friends of theirs. For the uninitiated (which included myself until I went there on Friday), the Tiki Bar on Main is a place that makes fantastic rum-based drinks that all seem to have, at minimum, eleventy billion ounces of alcohol in them. After hanging out there for a while, we decided that food was in order, so we headed out to get some (as the Tiki Bar’s food is nothing to write home about). As we were leaving, one of the group asked Cath to carry something in her purse. To which she exclaimed, “I can’t put that in my bag – it’s full of science!” In her own defence the next morning, she explained:
- My frogs are doing, if you’ll pardon the pun, just swimmingly. Tyrion remains the tiniest of the four, as he likes to take his time finding the bloodworms at feeding time ((Or possibly he’s just not that bright and swims to every part of the tank *except* where the bloodworms are.)). In contrast, Timbit is huge because he’s very good at eating as many of the bloodworms as is froggingly ((“Froggingly” is the frog equivalent of the word “humanly”, right? Because I first tried “frogly” but that didn’t seem right. And spell check says neither of them are words, so it’s no help at all.)) possible. (I feed the frogs a block of bloodworms every other day, which I dump in the tank and then I have no control over the relative proportions that each frog eats. It’s every frog for himself at feeding time.) So Timbit really is earning his name, as by the end of feeding time, he’s as round as a little Timbit!
- After searching through the NHL players list, and with help from my Aunt Lynn and my friend Cath, I compiled the following players with dirty sounding name for Team Hockey P0rn:
- Jiří Tlustý
- Patrick Kane
- Evander Kane
- David Legwand
- Alex Burrows – but he’s hurt, so I’m replacing him with Michael Ryder ((I missed the deadline to change it for this week, so I’m screwed on that front as I’ve wasted a roster spot on someone who won’t even be playing!))
- Alex Semin
- Grant Clitsome
- Victor Hedman
- Kevin Shattenkirk
- Dennis Wideman
- Josh Harding
- Jon Quick
- So far, most of my points are from the double Kane ((So I’m sacrificing in comedy by having two Kanes instead of just one Kane and another dirty name, but it’s hard to give up the points when I’m getting so few!)), but Quick has also helped out.
- As I get closer to the end of my MBA program, I’m starting to experience a bunch of “lasts”. A week ago, I had my last full weekend of classes AND my last class at UBC’s Robson Square campus. The part-time program that I’m in is made up of full weekends of courses that occur roughly every third weekend and are held at UBC Robson Square. But I only have one more class from the part-time program (Change Management) and it’s (a) broken up over two different weekends and (b) being held at the Point Grey campus, so the course I took from the EMBA program last weekend was the last class I’ll have at Robson Square and the last one that takes up a full weekend. Oh yeah, and it’s the last EMBA class that I’m taking. Of course, the Change Management course that I just mentioned, coming up in late Oct/early Nov will be my last class from the part-time MBA program. For 6 weeks starting Oct 21, I’m taking two full-time MBA courses (one on Monday nights and one on Wednesday nights) – these will be my first and last full-time MBA classes. And after that all I will have left is to wrap up my industry project (which I hope to have done in December, though it’s technically due Jan 15) and my online business ethics course, the latter of which will provide my last exam! And then I’ll be done all the things and will be ready for (what I’m hoping is) my last university graduation in the spring!
- And speaking of graduation, we got a notification that it’s time to book grad photos, so I finally got around to asking UBC about something that I’d heard rumour of, but wasn’t sure was true. The item in question is what robe I am to wear at my MBA graduation – I will be receiving a Master’s degree, but I already hold a doctoral degree and was told that one is supposed to wear the robes of the highest degree they have, not the robe of the degree they are getting. I checked UBC’s website but couldn’t find any info, so I emailed them and received official confirmation that I should, in fact, wear the PhD robes. Long live the pink robe and puffy hat!
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Category: frogs | School | sports
Tags: book learnin', fantasy hockey team, frogs, graduation, hockey p0rn, MBA, school
Tags: book learnin', fantasy hockey team, frogs, graduation, hockey p0rn, MBA, school
Hmm… I didn’t realize that we’re supposed to wear the regalia from our highest degree… does that mean that I’ll be wearing MSc robes at my MD graduation??? I had never heard that, but that’s kind of cool….
I love that they changed the venue AND the time format of the Change Management class. If you manage to show up to both sessions, do you automatically pass?
@Cath – Yup. It’s a test of whether you can manage multiple changes.
@Martha – Yeah, I guess that you would, with the MD technically being an undergrad degree. Although I think people tend to think of MD as the highest of all possible degree, so I wonder if everyone just wears the MD one? You should ask around!