The frogs’ stockings were hung by the chimney with care

Last year  I made a comment lamenting my lack of little Christmas stockings for my frogs. Well, it was my Aunty Gwen to the rescue – she found me these little gems:

The stockings were hung

So, yes, I realize it’s not yet December, but since I’m going to visit my family at Christmas, I had to put my tree up early so I’d have time to enjoy it before I left.

Christmas tree

And for the first time in my life, I actually have a skirt for my Christmas tree, which I bought on my lunch hour today. I think it really makes the whole situation look more polished!

Also, while unpacking my Christmas ornaments, I discovered this normal distribution curve Christmas tree ornament, that I’d totally forgotten I’d bought for myself last year:

Normal distribution curve Christmas tree ornament

Bring on the egg nog!


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