As we all know, the true meaning of Christmas is presents. And there sure were lots and lots of presents under the tree this morning! My niece and nephew got lots of nice toys – Madeline’s were dominated by Monster High dolls and Thomas’s included dinosaurs, trucks, and a few toys from Monsters University ((Specifically, Mike Wazowski, also known (to Thomas) as the Baby Eyeball Monster.)). I gave a fair number of presents from Ireland – because Ireland.
As for me, I was spoiled, as always. Here are a few highlights:
A Christmas tree ornament with a picture of my niece and nephew:
This book about bears:
Not shown here: my mom gave me some money to buy two things on my Christmas list – money both because then I don’t have to worry about carrying these presents in my suitcase and because I need to pick the right size. First, a pannier for my bike (since I’m planning to start biking to work once the days get longer so that it is is daylight when I go to, and come home from, work). And second, a pair of minimalist running shoes (both because I tried a pair on once and I loved them and I have been reading Born to Run ((Also, as part of the running study that I’m in, I get 15% off at the Fit First store where we start all of our Sunday runs, so I’m totally buying them there!)) ).
And a molecular gastronomy starter kit and book (because I need new hobbies now that I’m done school ((Well, done except for that pesky industry project paper that I need to finish)).):
There were also countless others things: chocolates and mittens and scarves and jewelry and makeup, etc.
I have the molecular gastronomy cocktail set (from a previous Christmas) we should get together and combine forces for some extra science-y cooking!
We should! We also need to get together and make homemade pasta!
Yes on both counts!! I’m off until Jan 6th if any time in there works for you. Not sure when you’re back but call/email me and we can make a plan.