Goals 2015 – Mid-Year Check-in
So it’s just past the halfway point in the year and I figure that means it’s a good time to do a check-in on my goals for the year!
Of my 15 goals, 4 goals are completed:
- Organize all my closets
- Set up a new investment plan
- Pay off 7.5% of my mortgage principal – I’ve actually paid off 9% of the principal I had owing at the start of the year – and counting!
- Make 15 new food or drink items that I’ve never made before – this one warrants its own blog posting!
6 goals are on track:
- Run two half marathons – having done the BMO half, I’m 50% complete on this goal and I’m registered for the Montreal half as my second half of the year.
- Run a sub-2 hour half marathon – being less than 3 minutes off of hitting this goal in May and into my training for Montreal in September, I think there’s a reasonable chance I could get this one done.
- Run 800 km – I’ve run 500.3 km so far this year, which puts me at 62% complete. I’ve got another 9 weeks of training left for Montreal, and then I’m running a 10 km in October, so I’ll be motivated to do some more runs after Montreal… so I’m really hoping I can complete this goal this.
- Add 5 new medals to my collection – I’ve got two so far – BMO half marathon and the Florida virtual half (which I just realize that I have failed to blog about!) and am registered for three more races (Montreal half, PNE Donut 5 km (also warrants a blog posting), and the Vancouver Rock’n’Roll 10 km – so as long as I do all those races, I’ll have 5 shiny new medals in my collection…. plus, since Montreal & Vancouver are both Rock’n’Roll events, I will also get the “double beat” medal for running two R’n’R events in one calendar year – so I’ll actually add 6 new medals!
- Bring lunch to work more often than I buy lunch at work. I have a spreadsheet to track this one (because spreadsheet) and I currently sit at 49% of my lunches having been brought from home so far this year, so I really should make a more concerted effort to bring this number up to give myself some breathing room!
- Complete 15 items from my 101 list. I’ve completed nine items (looks like that’s another blog posting I need to write!) and have booked something for next Monday which will, if all turns out well, allow me to knock item number 91 off my list.
4 goals have been neglected so far:
- Complete the 100 push up challenge.
- Lose those last 5 lbs that I gained during my MBA. I
- Write a will.
- Apply for at least one research grant.
And then there’s this one:
- Write 115 blog postings. So far in 2015, I’ve written a mere 37 blog postings. Which means I need to write 14 blog postings per month – or 3.25 blog postings per week – for the remainder of the year to hit this target. Challenge accepted!
As a bonus goal, I decided the other day to set a goal of reading 15 books in 2015, mostly because Goodreads kept harassing me to set a goal every time I logged into the app. I’ve currently read 10 books this year (and am in the middle of a few others), so I’m on track for that one too.
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Category: 101 in 1001 | books | goals | meta-blogging
Tags: 101 in 1001, goals, goals for 2015, meta-blogging, running
Tags: 101 in 1001, goals, goals for 2015, meta-blogging, running
You should have all the medals. ALL OF THEM! Love the check-in… I should do the same. The big one was my mountaineering course… check!