My favourite end-of-year traditions

This is my first blog posting in my quest to respond to all of the “daily blogging prompts” for December (as part of trying to reach my goal of publishing 115 blog postings this year).

What traditions do you look forward to at the end of the year?

Hands down my favourite end-of-year tradition is Christmas baking with my family. Whether it’s in person or over Google Hangouts, nothing beats a day of taking all the butter and all the chocolate and making delicious creations to share with loved ones. This reminds me, I should figure out what I want to bake this year!

Other traditions of December that I really enjoy include (in no particular order): putting up the Christmas tree (while drinking egg nog or hot chocolate!), writing my goals for the new year, and, who I am kidding?, opening presents ((for the record, I do mean both opening presents that I’m receiving AND seeing people open the presents that I got for them.)). Because I’m a child at heart!

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