Speaking of LitFest, I’ve been meaning to write a blog posting about Olga Kotelko since I learned about her at LitFest 2015… back in May!

One of the events at LitFest 2015 was a talk by Olga’s co-author Roxanne Davies and her editor Michele Carter about the book “Olga – The O.K. Way to a Healthy, Happy Life“. I’d not heard of Olga before this talk, but I learned that she:

  • started competing in track and field when she was 77 years old
  • competed around the world in track and field events until she died at the age of 95
  • won more than 750 gold medals and broke more 30 world records!

Talk about an inspiration! Just check this out video of her competing at 95:

And here’s her telling the story of how she got into track & field:

In related news, here’s a story about Harriet Thompson, a 92 year woman who finished the San Diego marathon, becoming the oldest woman ever to do so!

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