
So, I think I have seasonal allergies. I’ve never had seasonal allergies before but my red, watery eyes and runny nose suggest that maybe I do now.

I first noticed my eyes being watery when I was released from quarantine and thought that my eyes were just sensitive to the cool air from having only recently become unzombified. But it also happened to coincide with when the pollen was starting to come out to play. And seasonal allergies happen when your immune system decides to treat pollen as if it were an invading virus or bacteria.

So I think what probably happened was that when my immune system returned from taking a three-month vacation, it got back and heard about all the illnesses I’d had and went ‘Holy crap! We better get immune systeming!! Attaaaaaacckk!!!” and then I had allergies.

No one knows why allergies can show up at any point in a person’s life, so I think my theory is as good as any.

Also, I can’t get this song by the Barenaked Ladies out of my head now:

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