NaBloPoMo – Day 28 – It’s All Over But The Marking
Tonight was my last class of the course I’m teaching this semester. On my drive home from campus I was a little sad, because I know that I’ll not see any of my students again ((The trials and tribulations of being a sessional instructor who only teaches this one, fourth year course in that Faculty.))! Despite having a class of 90 students, I actually got to know a fair number of them through in class discussion and chats on the break and after class.
The class is an intro to business concepts for students in food, nutrition, & health majors. The major assignment is writing a business plan together and we spent the last two classes having student presentations – which are Dragons’ Den style pitches where the students pretend they are pitching their business plans to room full of investors. Like last year, I was blown away by the creativity of both their business ideas and by their presentations, by the tough questions the students asked each other, and how much work and thought had gone into these projects, as evidenced by how well they dealt with those tough questions.
While I will definitely miss the students, I won’t be sad about getting my Tuesday nights back. And my Monday nights (when I did class prep). And my weekends (when I also did class prep). Teaching a class is a freaking lot of work. Well, once the marking gets wrapped up, that is.
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Tags: book learnin', NaBloPoMo, NaBloPoMo 2017, teaching