One Month From Today…

…Scott and I will be in the tropical wonderland known as the state of Hawaii. And because I’ve learned that the first question anyone asks when you say you are going to Hawaii is “which island?”, I feel obliged to let you know that it’s Oahu. I’ve never been before, so I wasn’t too particular about which island to go to. I feel like I could equally enjoy the tourist-y scene of Honolulu or one of the more secluded locations on some of the other islands. All I really care about it that I can lounge on a beach and do some surfing ((And since I’m a novice surfer, I don’t even need to go to the *best* surf place. Just one where I can rent some gear and get a few lessons.)) And since I’m nothing if not a cheap, cheap woman, we just looked for the best deal, which turned out to be booking through Costco. Because did you know you can book travel through freaking Costco. I’m already slowly moving towards a Costco-based wardrobe, so why not just buy all the things from there?

Anyway, here are some random thoughts about Hawaii:

  • My sister went swimming with sharks when she was there. I totes want to do that!
  • Dr. Dan got his Harry Potter-esque lightning bolt-shaped scar when he was there do to an unfortunate yoga accident. I totes do not want to do that.
  • When I used to run a research training program, one of the students in the program transferred to the University of Hawaii. Why the hell didn’t I do that??
  • I am not going to be able to hear the word “lei” without giggling.

Anyway. One month from today. SO. EXCITED!

Comments |2|

  • You will love it. I of course have been there to the 4 islands and each one is great…..
    You have to do the dance lessons and pig roast dinner.
    Go visit the volcano tour..


  • I’m jealous! Have fun and stay safe. My dad lived in HI when it became a state, but he was only one at the time, so he doesn’t really remember it (yes, my dad is very, very young).


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